At DWC, we’ve introduced a monthly writing competition for our members. Poetry or prose, 150 word limit.
The first, in October, was on the theme of autumn leaves, and the winning entry was from Val Ormrod.

Congratulations, Val. Here’s Val’s short tale with its beautiful imagery and touching story.
It was autumn when she was born, leaves spinning from the trees and drifting against the window. According to her mother, her fuzz of baby hair had echoed the colour of those leaves, hence the choice of name. Her hair had grown a lustrous copper shade that was the envy of her friends and entranced her husband. Of course, it was white now, but she no longer minded.
Her heart was full as she sat propped up in bed, replete after a delicious meal, surrounded by her son and daughter, plus three wonderful grandchildren Josh, Sam and Sadie. The room was fragrant from the scent of roses and lilies just bursting into bloom and Beethoven’s ‘Moonlight Sonata’ played softly in the background.
Just twenty minutes more before she would take the prepared medicine and slip quietly and painlessly across the rainbow bridge before the illness robbed her of all dignity.