Our event on 29 Jan was hugely successful, with great guests and open mic and a lovely venue – go to our Facebook page for some pics.

Wednesday 2 October 7.30 pm Poetry Karaoke Bream Library
It’s National Poetry Day on Thurs 3 October, but we are getting in early, joining Bream Library’s event, together with our colleagues from Poets in Progress (PIPs). Please note this is in lieu of our normal DWC meeting.
This was a well-attended event with an interesting array of poems read and a fun activity where small groups made a poem by combining lines from different poems supplied by Vicky Hampton of PIPs.
Monday 23 September 7 pm Tintern Abbey Peace Festival
Organised by Tintern Abbey staff member and DWC member Pascal Bidois, this follow up to the 2018 event sees the launch of the Ways to Peace Anthology, with contributions from writers of all ages across Gloucestershire. Including most Dean Writers’ members.
Held at Tintern Abbey – see https://cadw.gov.wales/visit/places-to-visit/tintern-abbey for directions.
In spite of inclement weather, there was a good turn out. A number of people read out pieces which are in the anthology. 90 copies were sold on the night and others will be available through other meetings.