DWC internal writing competition Feb 2025

At DWC, we have a monthly internal writing competition for our members. Poetry or prose, 150 word limit. You can find previous winners here.

For February, Claudia Robertson was our winner on the theme Fire, with this reflective piece.


I don’t see her as often as I once did, but fire always draws her. 

Perhaps she’s not too keen on all the changes we’ve made to the cottage?  After all, we’ve demolished the pig’s cot and privy, built new bathrooms and bedrooms and installed central heating.  She’d barely recognise it as her old two-up, two-down.

But not everything changes.  I cook and clean and garden, just as she did, and we have kept her little fireplace in the parlour.  When I go in the woods to gather kindling, she walks beside me, and I hear the soft swish of her woollen skirt.  When I light the fire, she holds out her transparent hands to the blaze, with a murmur of pleasure.  She had a family and friends, and probably a faith.  She knew about the eternal flame of love.  In all essentials, she is me and I am her.

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