At DWC, we’ve introduced a monthly internal writing competition for our members. Poetry or prose, 150 word limit.
The first, in October, was on the theme of autumn leaves, and the winning entry was from Val Ormrod. You can read Val’s moving story here.

In November, the theme for our internal writing competition was Snow – which turned out to be apt with a light fall here in the Forest. The winner was Penny Kerr, with this delightful memory.
Boxing Day Sixty Two
We woke to utter darkness
Although the clock said eight.
Had we slept through night and day
And woken twelve hours late?
The curtains, strangely stiffened,
Parted to show glass
Etched with wondrous patterns
Of fern leaves, fronds and grass.
Our hearts beat fast with panic.
Had the end times come?
Was this real? A nightmare shared
That trapped us in our home?
Father, ever sanguine,
Opened the front door
And, standing in pyjamas,
Faced a tall white wall.
He touched it. Was it solid?
He smiled and said “D’you know,
We’ve simply been imprisoned
By a six foot drift of snow.”