Congratulations to member Felicity Edwards on the release of her latest novel – Holy Handmaiden Travel back in time to…
Gloucestershire Writers Network is offering the chance to local authors to have our books listed on their website. A great…
Last Wed DWC held our first post summer break meeting at Bream Community Library – thanks to them as ever…
Book launch 20th July 6pm for member Felicity Edwards’ latest book Arctic Circle, the sequel to Full Circle. Money raised…
Celebration Book launch Wednesday July 3rd at 7.30pm Launching four books representing over 40 years of some of the writing…
Members of Dean Writers Circle, Val Ormrod, Jolie Marchant and Celia Hinton all have poems featured in a Train of Thought poetry…
Congratulations to member Cheryl Burman (Cheryl Mayo) on the release of her latest book. The Past can Wait is a…
Congratulations to DWC member Cheryl Mayo, author name Cheryl Burman, on today’s release of her new novel, Winter of the…